Privacy Policy

The Melbourne Baseball Club is dedicated to keeping your details private. We respect your privacy and comply with the Privacy Act with respect to the collection, storage and security of your personal details.

We collect personal information such as your name, address, age, sex, telephone contact, and membership status to provide you with services within the sport of baseball and to meet our obligations to relevant government sports bodies.

Information we collect is passed onto the Australian Baseball Federation (ABF) and to the ABF’s insurer.

Your information may also be shared with organisations associated with the sport of Baseball, including but not limited to the Australian Sports Commission and Australian Sports Drug Agency.

Any information we collect in relation to you is kept strictly secured. We also use this information to assist in managing your player registration and club membership, to include in contact lists which are made available to other members in your team, for our internal administrative requirements and to notify you of upcoming events or news.

If you do not provide the information we may not be able to register you as a member.

From time to time images of children engaged in baseball will be used on the website, parental consent will be requested where possible and names of individuals will not be featured unless written consent is provided. 

Melbourne Baseball Club follows the Australian Sports Commission guidelines on the use of images of children on our website and communications.

If you have any privacy concerns or would like to verify information we hold about you, please contact the club or the ABF’s Privacy Officer.

You may ask us at any time to correct the information where you believe it is incorrect or out of date.  There IS no fee for accessing your personal information.